What Are Digital Nomads, Expats, and Passport Bros?

As world is opening back up and people start reflecting on what they want in life, many have started various international lifestyles such as ‘Digital Nomads, Expats, and Passport Bros‘.

These terms are more than just buzzwords and today in this article we will explore deeper into what each one is and how they differ.

Digital Nomads

Traditionally and keeping true to pure definition, Digital nomads are folk the bounce around the world throughout the year living a ‘nomadic lifestyle’ working online as they go.

working on laptop at cafe

What They’re About:

  • Freedom to Work Anywhere: Digital nomads are often freelancers, entrepreneurs, or remote workers. Some hold full time positions others work as required or make money from their own businesses they run.
  • Always on the Move: They’re typically not tied to one place, hopping between cities or countries chasing the sun and setting up shop wherever inspiration strikes and leaving when their tourist Visa Expires. Many are careful where they work and how much time spent in the country to avoid tax liabilities.
  • Living the Adventure: For many Digital, the lifestyle is about seeing the world at an enjoyable sustainable pace: soaking up different cultures, tasting new cuisines, and meeting new friends instead of their 9-to-5 being in a office cubicle.

The Trade-Offs:

  • No permanent home or long-term stability: Many live off short term contracts and live out of a a couple of bags, taking with them no substantial belongings like owning a car.
  • Meeting & Leaving New Friends: One of the hardest parts of a Nomadic lifestyle is saying good-bye to the friend’s and relationships which are made along the way. This lifestyle often gets harder you get older and priorities change.
  • Balancing work with the excitement of travel: Being able to balance work and play is a skill which some do better than others and can be challenging. It’s often a delicate balance of holding a routine and carefully weaving the different social outings into your calendar.


Expats—short for expatriates, are people who move to another, usually for work or personal reasons, and settle there for a while. Unlike digital nomads, they’re more likely to plant roots with the intent to live long term.

Family on beach

What They’re About:

  • Career Moves: Many expats relocate for job opportunities, to start a business or pursue further education.
  • Building Connections: One of the most important steps in becoming an ‘Expat’ is creating a new friendship circle both socially and creating a support network of people you trust.
  • Family-Friendly: Expats often bring their families along, seeking a safer environment and better lifestyle, or a new start.

The Trade-Offs:

  • Adapting to cultural differences and a new language: Moving countries, especially to another part of the world that doesn’t speak your language is tough. This requires learning a new language and trying to fit into a new often very different way of life.
  • Handling local bureaucracy like visas, banking, housing: Battling ‘red-tape’ is a very real thing for most expats.
    From jumping through hoops for visas, opening bank accounts, transferring drivers licences and getting a rental. Depending on the country this could be easy, or a multi-day ordeal filling out forms in different languages waiting in government offices!
  • Missing home and friends: Anyone that has been away from home has felt ‘homesick’ and it’s something that cannot be downplayed. Small things such as missing a particular food and being a world away when a friend needs help or support takes its’s toll.

Passport Bros

An emerging trend are ‘Passport Bros’ which are typically men who pack their bags and head abroad for relationships, business, or just to experience life differently. The exact term sparks plenty of debate as it is often a mixture of a Digital Nomadic lifestyle to see the world, and a Expat to build a new life in another country.

At its heart however, it’s core principles seem to be focused on about creating opportunities like businesses, redefining personal goals such as improving fitness and in many cases finding a loyal partner abroad.

Young couple

What They’re About:

  • Looking for Love: Many travel in search of meaningful relationships, often citing traditional cultural values as a main factor.
  • Business and Exploration: Others are out to build networks, start ventures, or simply experience life from a new perspective. Low cost living to have a runway to achieve this is often key.
  • Breaking Free: They often seek alternatives to the social norms they feel boxed in by back home or that their home country is failing them

The Trade-Offs:

  • Facing stigma or criticism from people back home.
  • Ensuring they engage with local cultures respectfully and authentically.
  • Some continue to battle personal issues which they thought they could escape by travelling abroad

Blurred the Lines

Many people don’t fit neatly into just one of these categories. You might meet someone who works remotely like a digital nomad but chooses to settle down in one country like an expat. Or a Passport Bro who starts traveling for relationships but ends up embracing the entrepreneurial spirit of a digital nomad or settling down like an expat abroad.

The beauty of these lifestyles is that they’re flexible and can evolve as your goals and circumstances change. There is no write or wrong choice or governing body telling you how you should life your life.

Why These Lifestyles Matter & Conclusion

Whether you’re inspired by the nomadic freedom of exploring the world as you work, the adventure of building a new home abroad, or the personal growth that comes from stepping outside societal norms, each path offers lessons, challenges and purpose.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach and life’s too short to stay stuck someone you don’t want to be.
If you’ve ever dreamed of something more, one or a combination of these lifestyles maybe the direction you are looking for.

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